Shikigami is an exploration of the creatures and legends of Japanese Yokai mythology. Similar to the Occult Series, the series consists of two factions of seven characters. Each one is paired with a Yokai that gives them powers and abilities while also contributing their own to fulfill their role in their squad. While the Occult Series had four factions, Shikigami has two: Sanctioned and Rogue Onmyouji.
An Onmyouji is an individual who can commune and partner with a Yokai, summoning them when their presence is required. Sanctioned Onmyouji work as security to the shrine they are assigned to, protecting worshippers, performing religious ceremonies, and working as a medium between the Yokai and humans. Rogue Onmyouji use the Yokai for their own measures; seeking personal power while working as thieves, terrorists, stealing sacred relics, unleashing captured Yokai, and terrorizing the public at large.
With the lines between the material plane and the spirit realm blurred, a delicate balance must be maintained between Yokai and Humans. In the world of Shikigami, the Onmyouji are both revered and reviled. Strict adherence to traditions and customs must be observed in order to appease the kami and maintain the status quo. Any deviations or lapse in duties could have catastrophic results.
Like the Augur Worms series, and Rougarou, Shikigami also relates as an add-on to the Occult Series. More information about each character is available in the Shikigami Ebook.
Shikigami logo designed by: Viktor Pushkarev
Shikigami ebook layout by: Spiridon Giannakis
An Onmyouji is an individual who can commune and partner with a Yokai, summoning them when their presence is required. Sanctioned Onmyouji work as security to the shrine they are assigned to, protecting worshippers, performing religious ceremonies, and working as a medium between the Yokai and humans. Rogue Onmyouji use the Yokai for their own measures; seeking personal power while working as thieves, terrorists, stealing sacred relics, unleashing captured Yokai, and terrorizing the public at large.
With the lines between the material plane and the spirit realm blurred, a delicate balance must be maintained between Yokai and Humans. In the world of Shikigami, the Onmyouji are both revered and reviled. Strict adherence to traditions and customs must be observed in order to appease the kami and maintain the status quo. Any deviations or lapse in duties could have catastrophic results.
Like the Augur Worms series, and Rougarou, Shikigami also relates as an add-on to the Occult Series. More information about each character is available in the Shikigami Ebook.
Shikigami logo designed by: Viktor Pushkarev
Shikigami ebook layout by: Spiridon Giannakis